
The Cobra Family Chapter 9: The plan

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(Cobra's formal event, after Decobray's speech).

Klaus stood there, talking with Abernathy. Two people walked up, both in Luftwaffe uniforms. One was a man, short red hair, and Emerald eyes. He was out of breath, and very lanky. The other was a woman, short black hair, sort of indigo eyes, quite slim.

The woman saluted, "Captain Lisa Muller, and Lieutenant Reinhard Schmidt, reporting, Herr Klaus." She  was shaking in fear, hoping her commanding officer, would be alright with the news.

Klaus said, smiling, "Ah. General, these are two of my personal soldiers." He sipped his wine, "You see, there are young citizens of Duetschland, who attempt to join the German Armed Forces. But, because they are too young, they are kicked out. Feeling sympathy and empathy, I take them under my employ. My personal soldiers." He saluted them, "Lisa, Reinhard, go ahead, report."

After heavily breathing in, Reinhard said, "News, from the Springfield facility, Sir." He too felt fear, in how Klaus would react.

Klaus raised an eyebrow, "This doesn't bode well." He looked around, knowing no one would hear, "What news would this be, Lieutenant?" When Reinhard simply shook, he asked, "Captain?"

Lisa simply said, "The facility.. We have intruders." She simply held her ground, "We don't know who, exactly they are, but we know they are dressed on the uniform, of the US Army."

Klaus was surprised by this "How many of them?" He had a feeling, he may know them. Or at least, who lead them.

Lisa said, "We don't know, Herr Kommandant Klaus. But, the situation has spiraled out of hand."

Klaus said, "Send our finest troops there, at once! Ensure the children, and that idiot scientist are safe. Now, off with you. I must inform the Commander."

They saluted, "Jahowl, Sir!" They ran off, to make preparations for the battle.

Klaus said, "Excuse me, General Abernathy. I must inform the Commander." It was a task, that was never pleasant. But, Cobra Commander, as the name implies, leads Cobra. So, makes sense he should be informed.

Abernathy snorted, "I don't envy your task." He didn't know much about Cobra. But. He knew the Commander was not a man, you'd want to piss off.

Klaus said, "Excuse me." He retreated to a corner of the room, and took out his cellphone. He dialed the Commander's number,

"Hello?" The Leader of Cobra answered, "Who is this?"

Klaus replied, "It's me, Commander. Your half-company chief of staff, half-private family servant."

The Commander said, "Oh. What is it, you German eternal." The Commander liked Klaus, but he didn't like getting called, while he was watching his tapes.

Klaus responded, "The Springfield facility, Sir. It's been broken into."

The Commander yelled, so loud it nearly blasted  Klaus' eardrum out, "What?! Broken into! How bad is it?!"

Klaus said, "I don't know yet Commander. I believe that one, American soldier woman.. Lieutenant O'Hara, I believe her name is. But, I don't know. I am sending our best troops."

The Commander yelled, "How bad is our security?! You should have been on top of this!" He was not happy. He'd already been miserable, knowing he was alone in his bunker, now this happened.

Klaus said, trying to calm his Commander down, "Sir, it's Springfield. Nothing ever happens there."

The Commander yelled, "Except break-ins, apparently!" He slowly calmed down, "I will ensure you have back up. You keep that damn media away. Out."

The Commander hung up. Klaus sighed, Knowing that this wouldn't end well.

"So how'd that go?" He saw Max standing behind him, "Knowing my grandfather, he got pretty loud. So, how'd it go?"

Klaus sighed, "As well as can be expected." He looked around, knowing only Max would hear, "Max, I can't join this battle. I must deal with keeping the media away from the facility. You take the rest of the Flock, and make sure the others are safe." He whispered, knowing the Commander wouldn't hear, "Personally, if I had a choice, I'd leave MindBender to the enemy's mercy. But, the Commander demands we keep him alive, for now."

Max saluted, "I'll get there as fast as I can. Good luck, Kommandant." She ran off, grabbed Fang, and informed him of the situation.

The party was over, and guests were being shown the door.

(At the facility).

On the outside, the facility looked like a normal pharmacy. But below.. Cobra was conducting experiments. Creating Bio-Vipers. Creatures that could help Cobra, in it's quest to conquer the world. But, it was currently being intruded, by American soldiers.

Iggy loaded his gun (an old revolver his dad gave him), and put on his mask. Nudge put on her own mask, and readied her sword. Whoever these soldiers wore, it would mean their heads (and the scientist they all hated) would get chopped off.

Iggy said, looking around, "You know, I'm actually afraid of what happens if we upset the Commander. I mean, Nudge and I get off.. Semi easy, but you'll get 'Old Sparky.'" As the scientist looked at him, in question, he said, "Klaus' nickname for the electric chair."

They searched around the facility, and Nudge heard a noise. One, that could only be heard.. Or made.. By a ninja. She saw another ninja.. One she recognized, "YOU!" She unveiled her wings, shocking the hiding soldiers, and ninja. She attacked him, scaring the other soldiers.. Who were surprisingly outmatched by Iggy.

(In another area).

Barricades had been set up, near the Springfield facility. Klaus got up on stage, and started to restrain himself. He hated the media, they were so nosy, and intrusive. But, they had to be dealt with.

One reporter asked, "Colonel Wolf! Sir! Are the rumors true, about what's going on the Cobra Pharmaceutical facility, in Springfield?" This reporter was a short woman, with red hair, clutching a microphone.

Klaus said, "First, it's actually former Colonel. I was discharged from service, quite sometime ago. Second, you will have to be more specific. Cobra is a company, that sees fit to have multiple things, at our facilities."

Another reporter, a man, yelled, "Rumors are that there has been a break-in, at your facility in Springfield. Are these rumors true?"

Klaus chuckled, "Without rumors, World War II would never have happened." He put his serious face back on, "All jokes aside, I can assure that rumors, are rumors. Not true, all the time. This is just a routine drill."

Another reporter asked, "If it's a routine drill, who come you've sent so many troops to that facility?"

Klaus had to keep himself restrained, "We have not sent as many troops as you think. I speak for Mr.Decobray, when I say everything is under control. This interview, is over." As the reporters left, Klaus sighed under his breath, "Max, please hurry."

(Later, back at the facility).

Max and the Flock had arrived. Max's mask (see chapter one) perfectly hid her identity. Fang had only one thing, to hide his identity. Red sunglasses. But, they worked. Angel and Gazzy had just, black winter hats that somehow covered their faces.

They came down, yet it looked like the battle was over. Nudge and Iggy walked up to them, a few scratches but nothing Major.

Max said, not surprised, "You guys look, okay. Where's the jackass?"

Her question would soon be answered, as she saw him run to the bunker in the facility. They looked over, and saw the American soldiers fleeing. The pyros saw a timer. As did the others. Max yelled, "Everyone, into the safety positions!" They flew into the bunker, faster than MindBender could get in there. But, since their leader needed him, they let him in.

An explosion went off, destroying the facility. They looked around, seeing only flame and destruction. They saw one of the soldiers, left behind by the others having an.. Interesting reaction to the Bio-Viper, creation fluid.

Max said, "The Commander will want to see this." Klaus' soldiers arrived. Max yelled to them, "Get him to another facility!"

The young Germans carried the soldier off, unseen by anyone. Max saw the media, slowly  arriving. She said, seeing the destruction, "I think.. We can turn this into an advantage." She huddled her Flock close, sad gave them the plan. After which, five of them fled.

(Later). The police and the media arrived  finding an injured Fang inside the destroyed facility. The reporters recognized him.

One reporter asked, seeing that Fang was at least conscious. She asked him, "Mister Cisarovna. Nikolai, may I call you Nikolai? What happened here?"

Fang said, pretending to be in incredible pain, "You may. As for what happened.. Four American soldiers destroyed the facility." As the crowd gasped, "The facility was broken into, by five American soldiers who have apparently gone rouge. I believe they were hired, by Cobra's corporate competitors, to sabotage us. They destroyed the facility, inured our personnel, and murdered one of their own. One, who apparently wanted to serve his country. Just as we, the Cisarovna family, serve Russia." After giving his speech about what happened, Fang was taken to a Cobra owned hospital.

(Later. Cobra News).

A reported said, "That was the scene earlier today, when Nikolai Cisarovna, Nephew to Baroness Anastasia Cisarovna, was found injured at a destroyed Cobra facility in Springfield. Apparently, the facility was raided by Former members of the US Army. All four of whom, have been identified." Pictures of them came up, "Under the apparent command of First Lieutenant Shana O'Hara, these soldiers have been relived of their rank, and are now wanted in all 50 States."

(The Commander's bunker).

The leader of Cobra kept watching the footage, over and over. He heard a door open. He saw the Flock, Ella, and Ari, in the doorway. He said to his younger grandchildren, "You two, good grades, top of your classes, Klaus'll make you ice cream later." He looked to the Flock, "The rest of you.. Good work. You turned a disaster.." He pointed the footage of the destroyed facility, "Into a nation wide expedition, to hunt down Cobra's enemies." He handed them all money, in the currencies of their respective countries. He said. "Let the hunt, begin."
The members of Cobra prepare to conter the infiltration at Springfield 
© 2017 - 2024 Commander456182
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JediRebel97's avatar
Okay okay, I know that the part where Klaus informs Cobra Commander about the situation is supposed to be serious...... but I was dying with laughter. You nailed Cobra Commander!